Translator’s place for SPIP and its contributions

The translator space welcome those who want to help the SPIP? user community by participating to translation work of SPIP itself and its miscellaneous contributions

To begin the translation work, you must choose:

  • the language module to translate;
  • the source language as your model (favor the mother language if you can);
  • the target language which is the language you are translating;

For the target language, you must choose if you are working towards a language that already exists, or if you create a new language.

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Recent changes

122218 revisions
# object Title: Author Date
Trad-lang contact_creer_dans_cet_annuaire : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang contact_ajouter_associe_a : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang contacts_tout : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang contacts_filiales : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang cfg_utiliser_organisations_arborescentes_label : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang cfg_utiliser_organisations_arborescentes_explication : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang cfg_utiliser_annuaires_label : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang cfg_utiliser_annuaires_explication : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang cfg_relations_avec_objets : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang cfg_relations_avec_auteurs : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang cfg_supprimer_reciproquement_auteurs_et_contacts : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang suppression_automatique_du_contact_prochainement : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang suppression_automatique_de_organisation_prochainement : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang statut_juridique : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang supprimer_contact : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang supprimer_organisation : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang titre_contact : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang titre_contacts : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang titre_organisation : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang titre_organisations : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang titre_page_configurer_contacts_et_organisations : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang titre_page_contacts : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang titre_page_organisations : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang titre_page_repertoire : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang titre_parametrages : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang tous : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang cfg_lier_organisations_objets_explication : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang cfg_lier_organisations_objets_label : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang cfg_lier_contacts_objets_explication : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago
Trad-lang cfg_lier_contacts_objets_label : contacts - de klaus++ 2 weeks ago