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« spip_cache:description : couteauprive - en »


# Date Auteur
Avril 2012 PatV
Janvier 2011 -1

Texte de la chaine de langue

@puce@ The cache occupies a certain amount of disk space and SPIP? can limit the amount of space that can be consumed. Leaving empty or putting 0 means that no limit will be applied. [1]

@puce@ When the site’s contents are changed, SPIP immediately invalidates the cache without waiting for the next periodic recalculation. If your site experiences performance problems because of the load caused by repeated recalculations, you can choose "no" for this option. [2]

@puce@ If the #CACHE tag is not found within a given template, then by default SPIP caches a page for 24 hours before recalculating it. You can better regulate the load on your server by modifying this default here. [3]

@puce@ If you are running several mutualised sites, you can specify here the default value for all the local sites (SPIP 2.0 mini). [4]

3813, 4652

[1%quota_cache% Mo


[3%duree_cache% heures

[4%duree_cache_mutu% hours