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« SPIP_tailles:description : couteauprive - en »


# Date Auteur
Avril 2012 PatV
Février 2011 -1

Différences entre version No2 et version No1

Texte de la chaine de langue

@puce@ In order to lighten the memory load on your server, SPIP? allows you to restrict the dimensions (height and width) and the file sizes of the images, logos or documents that are attached to the various content elements of your site. If a given file exceeds the specified size, the form will still return the data in question but they will be destroyed and SPIP will not retain them for reuse, neither in the IMG/ directory nor in the database. A warning message will then be sent to the user.

A null or blank value indicates an unlimited value.

 [1][Width: %img_Wmax% pixels][File size: %img_Smax% KB]

A null or blank value indicates an unlimited value.
 [2][Width: %img_Wmax% pixels][File size: %img_Smax% KB]
 [3][Width: %logo_Wmax% pixels][File size: %logo_Smax% KB] [4]


@puce@ Enter here the maximum space reserved for remote files that SPIP will be able to download (from server to server) and store on your site. The default value here is 16 MB. [6]

@puce@ In order to avoid PHP memory overloads in processing large images with the GD2 library, SPIP tests the server capacities and can then refuse to process images that are too large. It is possible to deactivate this test by manually defining the maximum number of pixels supported for the calculation processes.

The value of 1,000,000 pixels appears to be reasonable for a configuration with little available memory. A null or blank value will mean that the testing will occur on the server.


@puce@ The GD2 library is used to modify the compression quality of any JPG images. A higher percentage corresponds to better quality.

3813, 4652

[1Height : %img_Hmax% pixels

[2Height : %img_Hmax% pixels

[3Height : %logo_Hmax% pixels

[4File size : %doc_Smax% KB

[5File size : %doc_Smax% KB

[6%copie_Smax% MB

[7%img_GDmax% maximum pixels

[8%img_GDmax% maximum pixels

[9%img_GDqual% %