Révisions :
« type_urls:description : couteauprive - en »


# Date Auteur
Février 2014 Hanjo
Février 2014 PatV
Avril 2012 PatV
Janvier 2011 -1

Différences entre version No3 et version No2

Texte de la chaine de langue

@puce@ SPIP? offers a choice between several types of URLs to generate for the access links on the pages of your site.  :

More information : http://www.spip.net/en_article3588.html The "." tool allows you to see on the page of each SPIP object the clean URL which is associated with it. [1]
@_CS_ASTER@to use the types html, propres, propres2, libres or arborescentes, copy the file "htaccess.txt" from the root directory of the SPIP site to a file (also at the root) named ".htaccess" (be careful not to overwrite any existing configuration if there already is a file of this name). If your site is in a subdirectory, you may need to edit the line "RewriteBase" in the file in order for the defined URLs to direct requests to the SPIP files.

@puce@ "page" URLs : the default type for SPIP since version 1.9x.
Example : /spip.php?article123.
 [2] [3]

@puce@ "simple" URLs : les liens ont une forme explicite (since SPIP 3.0).
Example : spip.php?page=article&id_article=12 [4]

@puce@ "HTML" URLs : URLs take the form of classic html pages.
Example : /article123.html

@puce@ "clean" URLs : URLs are constructed using the title of the object. Markers (_, -,  -, +, @, etc.) surround the titles, depending on the type of object.
Examples : /My-article-title or /-My-section- or /@My-site@ [5] [6] [7] [8]

@puce@ "clean2" URLs : the extension ’. ’. html is added to the URLs generated.
Example : /My-article-title.html or /-My-section-.html
 [9] [10] [11]

@puce@ "open" URLs : the URLs are like "propres", but without markers (_, -,  -, +, @, etc.) to differentiate the various objects.
Example : /My-article-title or /My-section
 [12] [13] [14]

@puce@ "hierarchical" URLs : URLs are built in a tree structure.
Example : /sector/section1/section2/My-article-title
 [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]

@puce@ "propres-qs "qs-clean " URLs : this system functions using a "Query-String", in other words, without using the .htaccess file. URLs are similar in form to "propres".
Example : /?My-article-title
 [20] [21]

@puce@ "propres_qs" URLs : this system functions using a "Query-String", in other words, without using the .htaccess file. URLs are similar in form to "propres".
Example : /?My-article-title
 [22] [23] [24]

@puce@ "standard" URLs : these now discarded URLs were used by SPIP up to version 1.8.
Example : article.php3?id_article=123

@puce@ If you are using the type page described above or if the object requested is not recognised, you can choose the calling script for SPIP. By default, SPIP uses spip.php, but index.php (format : /index.php?article123) or an empty value (format : /?article123) are also possible. To use any other value, you must create the corresponding file at the root of your site with the same contents as in the file index.php. [25]

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